Installing Irix from scratch using Docker.


  • Access to a Linux machine (physical or vm), with at least 8gb of ram (Docker is very memory hungry).
  • Docker is installed on linux machine. On Ubuntu sudo apt-get install
  • SGI Machine capable of running 6.5.30 (Steps are the same for 6.5.22).
  • Both machines connected on the same network
  • Lots of Paitences

Docker image we are using for reference

  1. Before start:
    1. Download irix 6.5.30 installer this is a couple of GB so worth downloading before hand.
    2. Download the two foundation disks &
    3. Download the NFS disk
  2. Initial SGI Setup:
    1. Power on machine
    2. Hit ‘ESC to get into maintenance mode
    3. Press ‘5’ to go to ‘Enter Command Monitor’
    4. At the command line enter printenv
    5. Note down the value of ‘eaddr’ for example ’08:00:69:AA:BB:CC’
    6. Using the following command set your SGI machines ip address setenv netaddr this will set the machines ip address to
    7. Type exit to return back to the maintenance menu.
  3. Linux setup:
    1. Create a new working directory for the files to live on your machines for example ~/Documents/irix
    2. Copy the ‘Irix’ in your new working directory in my case ~/Documents/irix
    3. Unzip the disk images unzip Irix, it should give you the following files.
      Archive: Irix
      creating: Irix 6.5.30_cdimages/
      inflating: Irix 6.5.30_cdimages/Applications.image
      inflating: Irix 6.5.30_cdimages/Complementary_Applications.image
      inflating: Irix 6.5.30_cdimages/Instalation_Tools_and_Overlays1.image
      inflating: Irix 6.5.30_cdimages/Overlays2.image
      inflating: Irix 6.5.30_cdimages/Overlays3.image
    1. Make the following directories ‘apps’, ‘comp_apps’, ‘installer’, ‘overlay2’ ‘overlay3, found1, found2, nfs’ using mkdir apps comp_apps installer overlay2 overlay3 found1 found2 nfs theses will be your mount points for your disks
    2. Mount the disks:
      mount Irix\ 6.5.30_cdimages/Applications.image ./apps -o loop -t efs
      mount Irix\ 6.5.30_cdimages/Complementary_Applications.image ./comp_apps -o loop -t efs
      mount Irix\ 6.5.30_cdimages/Instalation_Tools_and_Overlays1.image ./installer -o loop -t efs
      mount Irix\ 6.5.30_cdimages/Overlays2.image ./overlay2 -o loop -t efs
      mount Irix\ 6.5.30_cdimages/Overlays3.image ./overlay3 -o loop -t efs
      mount IRIX-6.5-Foundation1.iso found1/ -o loop
      mount IRIX-6.5-Foundation2.iso found2/ -o loop
      mount ONC3-NFS Version 3 for IRIX 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5-v2.img nfs/ -o loop
    1. Create a new file called ‘bootptab’
    2. Get your Linux machines ip address using for example ip addr in my case it is ‘’.
    3. Edit ‘bootptab’ with the contents,
      Replace ‘0800690AABBCC’ with your SGI machines ‘eaddr’ we got in step 1.5 making sure to remove the colons.
      Replace ‘’ with your Linux machines ip address
    1. Now drop to a root shell using su or sudo.
    2. There is a bug in newer Linux kernels, to work around use.
      sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range="2048 32767"
      sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_no_pmtu_disc=1
    1. Execute docker with the following command.
      Replace ‘’ with your SGI machines ‘netaddr’ we set in step 1.6.
      Replace ‘/home/user/Document/irix’ with your current working directory which you can get using pwd.
      docker run --network host \ --add-host iris: \ --volume /home/user/Document/irix/:/DIST:ro \ -P \ -it dexter1/irix-install
  4. Irix Installation:
    1. From the maintenance screen press 2 “Install System Software”.
    2. In the “Install System Software” screen select 2 “Remote Directory”.
    3. Enter the ip address of your Linux system which you got in step 2.7 for example ‘’.
    4. Enter the directory of the disk you want to install for example ‘/installer/dist’
    5. Click ‘install’ and you will be presented with ‘Obtaining installation tools from’
      5a. If all is good you will get a screen that says “Copying installation tools to disk”
      5b. Get a cup of tea.
      5c. You may be prompted for machine name & network address (use the one we set in step 1.6).
      5d. You will be dropped at the “Inst 4.1 Main Menu”.
    6. Enter 13 for “admin”
    7. Enter 11 for “mkfs”
    8. “y” (enter)
    9. “yes” (enter) *This will format the disk.
    10. Enter 21 for “return” this will take you back to the non admin menu.
    11. Enter 1 for “from” and enter your linux machines address “”
    12. Enter “done”.
    13. Select “1” for maintenance stream.
    14. Enter “done”
    15. From the “Inst 4.1 Main Menu” select option 2 for “open”.
      15a. add a new distribution “”
      15b. add a new distribution “”
      15c. add a new distribution “”
      15d. add a new distribution “”
      15f. add a new distribution “”
    16. Resolve any conflicts within the “keep conflicting” menu.
    17. Enter 5 or ‘go’ and this will trigger the new install.
    18. ‘r’ to restart.
    19. Wait……. pre install stuff is running.

Runbook – Service Pack Covid


It’s been nearly 4 years since I wrote the original Runbook, so time for a little update. You can find the original one here

First off I want to thank everyone who read the first version and gave really humbling feedback. I know it helped a lot of people to understand the way I am and also gave people an understanding of those with Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC). It has also inspired a few people to release there own versions too, which I’ve had the good fortune to read.

Societally wise I feel we have made a big leap forward in the couple of years since I wrote the first Runbook,
We now have much more openness towards people with ASC. There are now two fairly prominent public personalities with ASC in the worlds view: Greta Thunberg & Elon Musk, both of whom are polarising individuals but use their ASC to strong effect.

Changes since Runbook v1


In September 2018 I left the BBC to join the Government Digital Service (GDS), this has been a positive move for the most part, if not a bit traumatic at the start due to the inevitable pain of big moves, change and the elevated effects it can have on a person with ASC. The move was made easier by the fact that GDS wanted to welcome and embrace people with disabilities and those that think differently. Below is a picture of the Archie comic I featured in the last version of the Runbook, it was already up on the wall of one of the GDS kitchen’s when I started there.

Over the past nearly 3 years GDS has been very supportive of my condition and for 2 of those years I have worked part time to help with the general fatigue and stress that is caused by day to day life.


Since the last Runbook I am no longer single and engaged to a lovely gentleman called Joseph. Joseph has been a great companion in the 2 and a half years since we met, he is great at helping with day to day things and dealing with the weird things that ASC can throw up (mostly the meltdowns).



Working From Home

For me working from home has been great, no need to stress about the commute each morning and afternoon which was always a massive time and energy sink, on the bad days just the act of commuting to the office would be enough to use all the useful social energy I needed to be useful at work.

One of the negative sides though can be it can be quite difficult to converse in the ways that used to work great in the office, e.g rolling over to a colleagues desk to ask a question vs sending a question in slack that isn’t responded to for a long time.

It does have other downsides to which I will cover in the ‘less good’ section, but overall it has been a great improvement to my day to day life.


The other addition is Josephs working Guide dog Woody, Since we have moved to working from home Woody now has two jobs, first and foremost being Josephs guide dog, but also being my emotional support companion, which he is very good at, he spends a great deal of the day curled up next to me while I work and coming over for cuddles every so often. He has been a great help during theses turbulant times.

Less Good

Mental Health

Confused Mental Health GIF by Lisa Vertudaches

The following sections are on a similar thread, they are all closely joined to mental health, and there is definitely an overlap between the various conditions, they all fuel each other in a odd and alarming way.

Inner Critic

3 ways to silence your inner critic and celebrate yourself – Fearfully  Fashioned

Its become quite apparent in the last few years that my brain is very good at bullying its self and even better at convincing me things are true are not true and the vise versa.

One of its main things it likes todo is tell me that im useless, and everyone hates me, this one is a constant uphill battle of trying to challenge the thoughts. I even have a sticker on my laptop to remind me to question what my brain is telling me.


Tired Jet Lag GIF

With all this extra load and energy its sometimes becomes to much to remaining able to ‘care’ about things and this results in burnout where there is just no want or motivation to continue.

This is sometimes due to the fact I don’t know my own limits and am very bad at just taking way to much on.


The Simpsons Bart GIF by MOODMAN

Yep Anxiety still is a thing and its still terrible, I’ve got much better at being proactive at targeting where the random spells of anxiety come from but it still likes to creep in and reek havoc.

Anxiety likes to blow everything out of proportion and inflate the other things to a point where my brain feels like its going to explode.

One other side effect of the Anxiety is that i really struggle to sit still, I always have to be doing something. This means I am unable to relax which then fuels the other conditions.


Text Street GIF

One new thing i’ve learnt in the last couple of years is my ability to handle working under extreme pressure, luckily it is not something that happens in my day job. But I have found in interviews and other situations where I am being graded and have to make decisions under pressure it is just to much. Ultimately leading to my brain not being able to process anything and usually a massive meltdown / anxiety attack.


“ “Squirrel!"

I touched on this before in the last version of the runbook, but I feel it has changed a bit since last time. One of the things I have come to realise in the last year is that my concentrations is absolutely awful.

Every task at the moment I seem to get distracted from easily, be it something im interested in or not. I’m not joking when i say just writing this section i’ve been distracted 5 times by trivial stuff, instant messengers are the worst and I wish I could escape them…

This ultimately ends up causing me a great deal of anxiety and extra effort to do a task, my instinct is that this is something caused by the stress of living through Covid.



This was the point I got the most questions about in the first runbook, it seems to be a hard concept for a lot of people to grasp. Realistically I’ve stopped using it as a gauge for how much energy I have day to day.

Not as preferred but we just go with a word scale nowadays.

Areas of interest

An area of interest of mine that has been rekindled since writing the last version of the runbook, When I was a kid I was very heavily interested in Cars and was very much my special interest, my parents used to always joke about how I could see the smallest part of a car an be able to identify which one it is.

Tinkering with my cars has become a new outlet for me, and helps me unwind and express my creativity. At the moment I have the Skoda Octavia VRS mk2, and a BMW 325ci e46, the BMW being the money pit out of the two.


Finally I want to thank you for reading this updated version, if you want to message me to ask questions about the runbooks please email me at

Autism and Baseline Anxiety

I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding of how anxiety and autism intertwine, and how the two mix together to affect the individual.

From my exposure of other people with ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) as a group, we typically seem to be more prone to having an anxiety disorder. Medically speaking this means that they experience generalised anxiety to most tasks that are encountered throughout day to day existence and typically causes a degraded quality of life; missed opportunities and social isolation.

Experiences I have had along with peers on the autistic spectrum indicate that there seems to be a somewhat poor understanding from neurotypical individuals about of the interaction of autism and anxiety. For example, the common treatment methods would appear to be the use of antidepressants such as Sertraline, Citalopram, and Mirtazapine. These focus more on a medical model of anxiety which is encountered by people who are not on the autistic spectrum and have the additional ASD stressors. Other medications which can be used include are beta blockers such as Propranolol and Benzo’s (Benzodiazepines) like Valium and Diazepam.

Doctor’s or psychologists may also enrol the patient to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy programmes; but these courses are typically aimed at neurotypical patients and strategies seem to be designed in a way where they can’t be adapted to work with autistic patients.

I feel that a more patient-centric model would benefit individuals with ASD in this regard as they would be able to work with the therapist to be able to develop coping strategies that fit in with the autistic triggers of anxiety. It would also help with normalising that these feelings are normal for someone with ASD and is not just generalised anxiety.

There are some western/British behaviours that I think do not help with anxiety. In British culture specifically, our humour system is built on people’s failures and mistakes, which I believe can lead into people having a fear of ridicule and making them very anxious in social situations as they are scared to make any mistake at all.

Discovering that my anxiety and autism were intertwined helped me massively with treating myself and working out the best way to tackle that feeling of anxiety. It has taken a mix of medication and therapy to get me to a point where I feel somewhat stable and not constantly anxious. Therapy helped with teaching me strategies to cope with the anxiety and the negative feelings that come with it; and also with understanding the history that lead to these negative behaviours. Medication-wise I use citalopram to stabilize my mood and reduce rapid mood swings, and resort to Diazepam and Propranolol for reducing the baseline anxiety when it is excessively high e.g. travelling. Other aids that I find useful include making sure that I use devices to manage my environment such as ear plugs and noise cancelling headphones. Games also help a lot for distracting me (I find colouring ones help a lot). The main reminder which helps is to tell myself the anxiety is only temporary and that will pass soon.

I hope this post helps people. Feel free to ask questions

Runbook to Tom


Right so if Chris Packham can do this so can I!

The time has come where I feel I can disclose to a wider community some of the conditions that fundamentally make me who I am.

My aim in doing this is to ease communication and workplace stress that I tackle in my day job, I also hope to try and remove some of the misconceptions and stigmas that are tied to Autistic Spectrum Condition(ASC) and Dyslexia.

For transparency’s sake I was diagnosed as having Dyslexia at age 5 and Asperger’s Syndrome at age 10, although I was a child when I received these diagnoses these conditions still have a strong impact on my day to day living and will persist for the rest of my life.

I would like people to take away from this page that Autistic people do not want to be treated differently from a neurotypical person but would like some understanding towards to the oddities caused by the condition.

These examples are taken from my personal experiences of my condition and should not be taken as hard evidence for all people with the same diagnosis. ASC and Dyslexia differ massively between individuals and are not blanket statements please do not try and force theses views onto another person with the same diagnosis as it is likely they do not align.

TLDR Summary Points

  • Treat me like I’m a normal human
  • Having an autistic spectrum disorder means that I can’t judge emotions and tone easily; I can’t tell if you actually think “I’m the worst” or it’s just a joke. New people and situations can overwhelm
  • Dyslexia means english can be fun, my spelling is atrocious
  • I can get very lost in detail for hours…
  • …but can be prone to SQUIRREL type distractions around me, much like most coders
  • I can solve problems very intuitively…
  • …but I can’t always explain how or why
  • I’ll remember things you don’t and forget the obvious/immediate things you do
  • I can get tired easily
  • Sometimes I’ll slope off because I’m too tired to usefully work or interact

Autistic Spectrum Condition (Formerly known as Asperger’s Syndrome)

So this is the reason why this whole page exists and will hopefully explain some of my oddities.

Autistic Spectrum Condition, which I refer to as ASC throughout this document, is a mixture of traits that manifests in a few positive and negative ways.

Some of the positive points of the condition result in different approaches to processing the world, including improved focus, problem solving and attention to detail – I will go into more detail about these later on in this page.

The negative side of the condition is ‘disabling’ within social interactions or unusual situations. Some of the major hurdles I face, again, are documented later on in this document.

Similarly to other people with ASC I typically show a façade when I am interacting in social situations to appear ‘normal’, which can be incredibly draining, and can potentially cause issues when this façade breaks down – for example when put into an unfamiliar situation.

It cannot be cured and is more of a difference in the way the brain has developed and does not make the individual any less of a person than anyone else. 


Nope I don’t see things backwards or upside down. Dyslexia is an odd condition in its own right and has a lot of its own eccentricities.

It does not have an impact on how I talk, but radically impacts on the way I process written work. The main symptom it causes is very inaccurate spelling (This sentence probably had the most mistakes out of the whole document). It has taken me years to be able to write anywhere close to the level of my peers, but to be honest my spelling is still atrocious – things fall to pieces when words are over two syllables. You will probably get a word that is spelt phonetically rather than the actual spelling. Put it this way – without a spellchecker, I’d be screwed. A slightly interesting phenomenon is that I will readily mix up tense; I and You often get mixed up along with bpqd often getting substituted. 

The other side of this is reading. Nowadays I’d say my reading is fairly good; I occasionally stumble on words, but Google is definitely my friend. I find reading very mentally taxing and tiring, which has resulted in the fact that I have only ever read a handful of books in my life. In recent years, I have found the use of screen readers to aid massively for when I need to get through large quantities of text.

It also causes some issues with memory – short term memory of someone with Dyslexia is awful. A typical person will be able to remember 7-8 numbers when given to them; a dyslexic will struggle with 3-4 and jumble them up. This causes havoc with education due to the fact that with the British Language a lot of the early principles are taught with rhyme and songs, which due to the memory challenges faced by dyslexia, these concepts do not often cement themselves in the same way.

Enhanced Features


This one is a double-edged sword; its main advantage is that when the environment is right I will get wrapped into a task and really dig my teeth in, to the point where it is almost impossible to pull me away.

The flipside is that my focus is very easily broken, or is drawn into whatever is on my mind at that current second, and cannot be broken away from.

Problem Solving

Following on from focus, this combined with the linear and logical thinking style, results in a strong problem solving ability. It gives me the power to think through problems in a way that most people cannot.

This can have its downsides, as a lot of my energy can be drained in problem solving or working out why things are the way they are, for example in social situations I may overly try and problem solve the emotion on someones face or tone of voice and misconstrue it, when there is actually no motive behind it.

There is a issue that I find it hard to solve a problem when I do not have the whole context of how everything fits together, as i want to create compute systems todo each functionality and can be uncertain or struggle without that.

Attention to detail

This is one of the more fun aspects of the condition – it enables me to take in much more of an interest in the little things.

In my day to day life I often find myself being drawn in and spending time focusing on the smaller things – for example, how a single leaf falls through the air and trying to apply the physics to it, or I will notice small changes in environments where something new has been added or taken away.


Absence of visual and auditory filter

This is probably one of the most noticeable / problematic issues that arises from the ASC – I cannot turn off / block out the information I am processing.

There is a video in the external links that shows this first hand.

It has the effect that in crowded places, I struggle to be able to focus on the person on the conversation I am having with someone as all the conversations around me are still being processed and understood.

Keeping my attention on the the individual in question can be incredibly mentally taxing.

Oddity of communication

Communication is difficult at the best of times. ASC does not help with this, as it causes some difficulty around some aspects of day to day interactions.

One of the main problems I encounter is an inability to read tone or body language. This causes me a great deal of anxiety, as I am never truly sure if people mean what they say. I may be able to see there is a social cue there, but not really understand what to do with it.

People with ASC typically interperate things very literally and may not understand that something is meant sarcastically or in jest. This also means reading between the lines usually doesn’t happen. To summarise, people are really bad at actually saying what they mean and it’s confusing!

My body language may be a bit odd at times, and may be a bit misleading – I may appear to be a bit blank, as that is my default state.

Memory and Confusion

Dyslexia and ASC is an uncommon mix, and has some interesting effects on memory. Dyslexia typically has a detrimental effect on short term memory, whereas ASC tends to give individuals almost super memory.

For me this manifests in the fact I can’t remember what I’ve just done most of the time, which results in me asking the same question multiple times as I’ve forgotten I’ve asked it. (This drives my flatmate a bit mad, as I will ask him how his day has been 3+ times each day, without realising it).

But once stuff has got past my short term memory, things become photographic so if you want me to remember something ask me in 24 hours after it has happened where it has crystallised in my head.

I tend to remember stuff that isn’t exactly linked to the main memory; for example I remember the exact order of things on a shelf in the background, where people are stood at the time where they told me something or the order, colour, model or make of cars parked on a street.

Unfortunately, these quirks of my memory can lead me to be confused fairly easily, as I will often forget what I am doing or a crucial part of a senario. I will often write down or ask people to send me a summarised message with information in so I can refer back to remember my train of thought.


This is a more tricky problem. Due to the way my focus works, it is very difficult for me to switch away from the task I am currently working on.

I will get quite upset if I have context switch when working on something, moving my mindset to another context is a very demanding task and requires a lot of energy, which may lead to me being more overloaded or fatigued.

It is best to give me about 12-24 hours notice if not more before switching what task I am looking at, just to enable me to get my head into that area of thinking.


Unfortunately, all these things add up and results in the fact that I get fatigued much easier than the average person. If I have an atypical week, then my fatigue levels go through the roof and will result in me being a zombie / overloaded by the end of the week. 

This is compounded by the fact that people with ASC usually have difficulty sleeping due to the focus side keeping them awake at night. For me it causes periodic episodes of insomnia, which then adds to the fatigue and inability to cope with the world.

Advanced Concepts


Spoons are a gauge of emotional currency. If i have a lot of spoons, it means I should be able to take on a demanding day.

If my spoons are low, it usually means I’m close to being not functional or being in an overloaded state.

Different tasks or situations either take spoons or give spoons back.

Anxiety-inducing situations will likely have a detrimental effect to how many spoons I hold.

Spoons can be gained by removing stress from my day or doing something I enjoy.

Black Dog

One of the unfortunate things about ASC is that people that have it are at higher risks of Depression and Anxiety – for me this is unfortunately true.

I will often describe a day when my Depression / Anxiety is bad as a ‘black dog day’.

There is a video in the external link section at the bottom of the page that does a good job of explaining this well.

Why does your desk have funny things on it?

Noise cancelling headphones

To combat the lack of auditory filter, I use noise-cancelling headphones in an attempt to block out the noise of the outside world.

Unfortunately, this isn’t a foolproof solution, as I can still hear a large part of the world, which steals my concentration away.

Desk dividers (The great cardboard wall of Tom)

My great wall follows a similar vein to the headphones – it’s an attempt at filtering out unwanted distractions. Without the wall, my attention is constantly being pulled to the visual noise that is going past my desk. 

This can be infuriating as I cant stop my mind going “HEY LOOK SOMEONE GOING PAST YOU MUST PROCESS THAT” which can kill all focus I have on a task that I’m trying to complete and ultimately adds to the fatigue. 


This is a funny little thing, it has two uses one of them is to minimise the distraction of having a strong contrast between light and dark.

The other is helping with Dyslexia; when I am fatigued or tired my eyes tend to lose focus and jump around or struggle to read what is on the screen. Reducing the contrast and bringing it down to a more consistent level using this, helps.

Zigfred the Hedgehog 

Zigfred is an emotion support device in some ways. If i’m feeling stressed, or just need to keep my hands busy, he is something something soft that I can hold to relax.

Things that make me happy


Dogs are a big part of my life, they are amazing creatures and I feel they understand me much better than humans do. I can’t wait for the day when I can have my own dog again.

My favourite breeds are Golden Retrievers, Labradors and my top breed is Border Collies.

You may occasionally hear me talk about Dylan, which was my dog that never left my side during my childhood. (pictured below)


They are very cute and I think they sum up my personality by the way they curly up into a ball to protect themselves.

I’ve wanted a pet hedgehog for a few years now.


I love electronics! It’s something I find really interesting! I could easily talk about it all day. 

Cameras, phones, games consoles, computers they all draw my interest.

Troubleshooting Guide

Tom is unresponsive or quiet

Tom may be suffering an overload state, please give him some space and try not to overly talk to him as this will increase the overload.

If this does not resolve quickly, remove the Tom from the situation and go for a quiet talk / walk.

Tom may not be where you think he should be

The Tom may have removed himself from the situation to try and be more productive or to prevent overload.

Solution: Message him on Slack,

If this fails contact Tom’s line manager.

Tom appears confused


Ask if he is confused or if he understands what is going on.

If he is unsure try to reaffirm the point in another way

Tom appears sad


Send Doggo or Hedgehog gifs to him

If former fails take him for coffee / walk.

Noteworthy people with these conditions


  • Chris Packham
  • Courtney Love
  • Dan Aykroyd
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Suspected)
  • Charles Darwin (Suspected)


  • Richard Branson
  • Jennifer Aniston
  • Steven Spielberg
  • Albert Einstein
  • Ben Fogle

External Links

Please see below some links that I feel help illustrate the conditions in a positive light.